Remote IT Support: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizations of all types face considerable pressure to maintain operational efficiency, and a robust IT strategy can empower them to succeed. Whether a business is looking to eliminate a simple tech issue or implement an intricate strategy — a reputable managed IT services provider can help them flourish.

But how does remote IT support fit into the picture? While onsite services are fairly straightforward, the logistics behind remote IT support aren't always clear. In this article, we outline how remote IT support works, its benefits, and the extensive list of services IT specialists can deliver offsite.

How Does Remote IT Support Work?

Although we consider seeing our clients in person a perk, IT support firms deliver a sizable number of their services offsite. 

When a client first engages an IT support provider, a specialist typically guides them through the remote support process. To start, an end-user calls or emails an the company's support center to submit a service request. Once the request is processed, a service specialist connects with the end-user to assist them. 

A technician must securely connect to the affected end-user’s computer to fulfill a remote service request. However, the end-user has complete control over granting the technician access; a connection is only possible if the end-user accepts the on-screen invitation to connect. Once the end-user accepts the invitation, the services session begins.

At this point, the IT specialist can use their own computer to navigate the end-user’s mouse and keyboard remotely. The end-user can watch the specialist navigate their screen and fix their issue. Once the request is completed, the specialist concludes the session by securely disconnecting from the end-user's computer.

Not only is this method of support highly efficient, but it’s also exceptionally secure. At Riverstrong, we use the gold standard in security features to ensure our clients — and their data — remain protected during remote service sessions.

Benefits of Remote IT Support

Organizations that take advantage of remote IT solutions can reap their many benefits. Below are a few of the perks typically associated with remote IT support:

Wider Pools of Talent: IT support companies that provide remote services can choose from a larger pool of candidates, as they’re not confined to a limited geographic area. A wider pool of candidates enables IT firms to choose from more specialists with impressive qualifications. 

Faster Service: in many cases, remote service requests can be completed faster. Technicians can evade commuting to the organization’s location, which saves a significant amount of time. 

Discreet Service: for high-traffic organizations, remote support can be more discreet. Staff at busy establishments can rest assured knowing that fewer people will be coming through their doors.

Lower Costs: remote service tends to cost less than onsite assistance; it typically requires less time and fewer resources.

Learning Opportunities: remote service enables end-users to learn effective troubleshooting techniques, as they can watch a specialist fix a given issue on their screens. When end-users learn to troubleshoot issues, organizations can reduce the number of IT requests they submit.

Remote IT Support Services

Organizations are often surprised to learn how much an IT support provider can accomplish from a distance. Below are some of the core services they can deliver remotely:

End-User IT Support

When an IT support firm establishes the access required for remote support, end-users quickly begin to see how much a specialist can accomplish from afar. Support specialists can remotely assist end-users with:

  • Connecting to external devices, such as printers and scanners

  • Resolving email issues, managing email accounts and configuring permissions in SaaS tools (such as Gmail Cloud, Salesforce, and Outlook 365)

  • Optimizing and cleaning up computers that are running slowly, freezing or restarting

  • Making the most of Microsoft Office 365 apps such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Difficulty logging into their devices when entering proper credentials (due to corrupted accounts and other issues)

  • Retrieving lost data

  • Transferring data from unresponsive desktops

IT Security Services

Protecting their information is a top concern for businesses across the board. In 2021, organizations experienced 50% more cyber attacks on their corporate networks than they did in 2020. IT support specialists can remotely implement pragmatic measures to protect their clients from malicious intent. Technicians can remotely assist organizations with:

  • Cleaning up compromised systems and devices
  • Performing thorough security scans to check for viruses and malware
  • Preventing unauthorized users from accessing their data — including firewall installation, timely software updates, and more
  • End-user security training to ensure employees follow best security practices

Software and Cloud Services

The majority of computer-related issues are caused by software problems — often leading to unnecessary downtime. An IT support firm can remotely assist organizations with:

  • Successfully installing applications
  • Migrating data from on-premises to the cloud
  • Incompatibilities between different software
  • Choosing an ideal cloud services provider
  • Internal and external application errors

Managed IT Services and Monitoring

Service specialists can use remote monitoring and management tools to keep a pulse on an organization's IT environment. These tools enable specialists to identify and fix IT issues before they cause significant problems. An IT services provider can remotely use real-time monitoring capabilities to:

  • Keep tabs on network devices, websites, and servers
  • Reduce data loss by monitoring storage capacity
  • Ensure system updates and patches are performed in a timely manner
  • Monitor the health of applications

Riverstrong’s Remote IT Support Solution

To ensure they receive the most comprehensive IT coverage, organizations should look for an IT support provider that can deliver a full range of IT services. With an abundance of capabilities, a well-rounded IT services firm will be more likely to implement the most effective solutions available.

At Riverstrong, we’re well-versed in delivering all aspects of IT support remotely — and we pride ourselves on providing our clients with timely, strategic, and effortless solutions. 

We enable organizations to elevate their IT environment, decrease downtime, and recover from disruptions, fast. Our dedicated specialists are always waiting in the wings, ready to provide you with real-time IT support you can trust.

To learn more about how we can transform your IT environment and make your organization more productive, agile, and secure, reach out to us today!


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